紐約愛未眠 | Before We GoFrinny Lee2020年8月8日讀畢需時 1 分鐘2015/11/14:You two are perfect.:There is no perfect. It's always have trouble, you just have to pick up someone to struggle with. "世上沒有完美的,永遠都會有麻煩,而你要做的就是選擇陪你度過的人。我今天收到最啟發我的句子吧♥今天最喜歡的歌:Taken by Trees- Only Yesterday
2015/11/14:You two are perfect.:There is no perfect. It's always have trouble, you just have to pick up someone to struggle with. "世上沒有完美的,永遠都會有麻煩,而你要做的就是選擇陪你度過的人。我今天收到最啟發我的句子吧♥今天最喜歡的歌:Taken by Trees- Only Yesterday